• pay for whatsapp    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 竣嘉股份有限公司

      ...r over 20 years of experience in custom-design,R D production departments pay a lot of attention to the meticulous design of the internal structure as well as the extermal physical attractiveness of each cases. Care has been taken that our casers are safe from electromagnetic interference and radia...

      電話:03-3592017    地址:桃園縣龜山鄉東萬壽路624號3樓
    2. 逸揚國際股份有限公司

      本公司主係推廣Just2Pay網路金流服務,提供網路購物商店人民幣借記卡、信用卡、新台幣信用卡、WEB ATM以及便利超商付款等網路金流代收代付服務。公司經營理念多年來,我們矢志不渝的追求產品品質的提升和產品性能的穩定,因為...

      電話:02-25030230    地址:台北市中山區南京東路三段65號10樓之3
    3. For You Hair

      For you Hair 團隊即日起招募,培養訓練專業優質人員,讓你在未來擁有與人一較長短之驚人專長,短短幾年光陰換取未來人生大道,讓FOR YOU HAIR打造全新人生。在人力銀行刊登在刊登,尋找不到適合的公司行號,亦或始終尋求不...

      電話:03-4224669    地址:桃園縣中壢市九和三街18號
    4. 沐葉 For Hair

      沐葉 For Hair 秉持 [健康、時尚、樂活] 的領導理念,首度於竹北高鐵區打造唯一沙龍級美髮新據點!強調以 Hair 為中心,結合 Health Beauty 的概念,並以寬敞舒適的空間和溫暖親近的調性來迎接顧客!使都市中的人們回歸到自然愜意的情...

      電話:03-6588778    地址:新竹縣竹北市文興路一段78號
    5. 優特國際開發有限公司

      ...nd agents in home and abroad . Depending on strong strength , good credit, paying more attention to the contracts, better product quality, as well as the principles of various flexible operating characteristics, our company has wined the trust of domestic and foreign customers. Your satisfaction is ...

      電話:04-25666875    地址:台中市大雅區龍善街三號地圖

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